
The Least of These

December 07, 2015

“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” Matthew 25:40 (NIV)

Sometimes we get so enthralled with being cool and being popular that we forget about the one of the most important commissions in the Bible. Jesus told us that when we serve the lowest, the forgotten, the lonely, the outcasts that we are serving him. I think sometimes we forget about this verse. I know I have in the past. It’s so easy to become consumed with ourselves and our “stuff” that it’s so easy to forget about others, because naturally we are programmed to cater to our own needs and desires.

About two years ago I heard a message that I’ll never forget. In fact that words echo in my mind constantly. They haunt me. The tagline goes through my brain like a highlight reel:

“Others, Others, Others.”

I have no idea why this one word became so embedded in my brain, but it did. This phrase strikes me, because although it’s simple and obvious, it has become such a foreign concept in our day and age.

When did it become cool to value people only when they benefit our own agenda? When did it become the norm to only seek friends to add to our own popularity? If we examine Jesus for a moment, we will soon come to the conclusion that Jesus hung out with the outcasts, with the uncool, with those who were forgotten and lonely. He demonstrated love toward them that changed their entire world. He went out of his way to give, serve and heal. He showed mercy to those who were looked down upon.

Jesus focused on others rather than Himself.

One of the best things we can do for ourselves is to focus on others. When we are constantly wrapped up in our own issues we forget this commission. We forget the magnitude of this passage. We forget that we were called to serve. Those who forget about themselves, and focus on others are much happier, content people. Next time you encounter someone who is hurting and broken and lonely, treat them like you would treat Jesus. Give them the love you would give the King of Kings. Do it unto the least of these.

Let this thought echo in your mind this week: Others. Others. Others.
