
Summertime Breakfast Oats

June 07, 2019

Oatmeal has got to be my all-time favorite breakfast. I love how filling it is, and how warm and satisfying as well! Oh, I know it sounds absolutely boring — but I promise — it’s not!

You’re probably thinking, um . . . It’s summer where I live and it’s upwards of 85 degrees, for goodness’ sake! Who wants WARM oatmeal in weather like this?!

Don’t knock it till you try it. ? It’s comfort food, people! And guess what? The best part is it’s totally healthy. The ingredients are really up to you and your liking, which means you probably already have all you need for this Summertime Breakfast Oats recipe.

Summertime Breakfast Oats


  • ½ cup of quick, old-fashioned, steel-cut oats
  • 1 cup of your milk of choice (I use almond.)
  • A dash of salt
  • Chopped almonds (or whatever nut you like)
  • Berries
  • Roughly 1-2 tsp chia seed (Flax and hemp seeds are great as well.)
  • Cinnamon
  • Honey
  • Nut butter (I use peanut, but love almond butter, too!)
  • 1 tbsp of brown sugar

And that’s it!


Really, it’s very simple.

  1. Bring your milk to a boil on the stove (don’t forget the dash of salt!).
  2. Once milk boils, bring heat to medium-low flame and add oats. Cook for about 5 minutes — or to desired texture.
  3. Add brown sugar and mix in while oats are still on low heat! Make sure it’s all melted.
  4. Meanwhile, simmer in another pot a handful of berries with a little water no longer than 3-5 minutes. Really, till you make a preservatives time paste.
  5. Remove oats; top with warmed berries, nut butter, chopped almonds; sprinkle with cinnamon; sprinkle chia seeds; finally, drizzle honey over top!

If you choose to, you can also leave berries fresh and add whatever other fruits you enjoy. I love bananas, so sometimes I’ll add those in as well.

And there you have it, Summertime Breakfast Oats!
