
More Than A Skirt Girl

September 17, 2015

As I ponder the start of my fall semester at college, I have done an immeasurable amount of self-examination on the message I have been sending to my peers on campus

These soul-searching thoughts that have been bouncing around in my mind are ones that unfold my true identity.

It is an identity that goes beyond modest dress and long hair. I ask myself, “Is the Spirit of God inside me enough that it’s instantly and noticeably detected? If so, have I been concerned in carrying or concealing this message of Truth? Is the kind of impact I have been making one that is a ladder to the miraculous in becoming a world changer?”

In saying that, is the label of being a “skirt girl” or a “long-haired, skirt girl” all Apostolic ladies are known for to this world?

There is much more that we should be identified as than just the long skirts and long hair.

I can vividly remember in high school my classmates approaching me saying, “Hey, Skirt Girl!” At the time, I was perfectly alright with that statement. It didn’t bother me to be considered “the skirt girl” because I knew in my heart why I dress the way I do. Still today I do not mind that statement, yet it makes me wonder if there is more that identifies me than my skirt. My classmates were well aware that I wore skirts 365 days of the year: in the spring, in the summer, in the fall, and yes, I wear skirts during the winter time too!

My identity as “the skirt girl” quickly evolved among my classmates but never exceeded to anything beyond that. You see, the problem in which I failed to acknowledge within myself was that I concealed the message of Jesus Christ. I was the girl with an unmasked face and uncut hair, the girl who wore long skirts while embracing her femininity but who held back the message of being a girl who possesses the power of Jesus Christ.

Unrefined. Undefiled. Pure. Unmasked.

These are the words that have been established in my life of pleasing God by His commandments of holiness.

But it doesn’t just stop there. We are called to be so much more than just “the skirt girl.” We are called to be the supernatural girls. Our #LongHairDontCare motto should be revolutionized by the fact that our hair holds power with the angels. When you self-examine, know that you are a young lady with the power of Jesus Christ. We pick our attitudes off the hanger in our closets just like we pick our clothes. Would you find your attitude beautiful enough to wear on the outside for others to see?

What else should we be known for if not just a skirt?

Long hair and big, fancy up-dos? No.

That is not all we are. When we go about the routines of life we should be sending a deeper message to the world. When you go as a regular customer to the local bakery or coffee shop the cashier or barista should know exactly who you are. They should know by now that they are able to reach out to you for prayer because you’re not just the skirt girl, but you are a prayer warrior. Your neighbors should know by now that Jesus lives inside you. Your classmates should know by know that you believe in the miraculous healings and miracles of Jesus Christ. Your co-workers should know the kind, generous and giving spirit of God that shines through you. The people you associate with throughout the week should know that you are an encourager of faith, hope and love.

Your attitude, your actions, your spirit, your words, your priorities and level of faith will all reflect a louder statement than how long your skirt is.   Show the world you aren’t afraid to speak out about who you really are. Don’t hide Jesus inside you. Don’t turn off the light of Christ inside of you. Hide it under a bushel? No! Don’t hide beneath the identity of just a “skirt girl.” Shine the light of God in ways that identifies who you are completely.

In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.
– Matthew 5:15, ESV

Because you are more than a skirt girl.

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