
DIY Dog Treats

January 11, 2019

This past December, I had to put my sweet dog, Aspen, down due to him being sick. :/

Our house just wasn’t the same coming home without him being right at the door wagging his tail and jumping up and down to greet us. About a week later, I brought my new boy, Archie, home!

Archie has brought so much joy back to me and my mom, and he is spoiled-rotten already! With him being a puppy, I wanted to make sure he was eating the best I could give him — one of those being homemade treats.

Homemade treats are super easy to make, and your pup will scarf them up! Today, I’ll be sharing just one of the recipes I have used so far. It came, of course, from Pinterest, because where do all of our ideas come from? ?

Beef/Chicken Broth Bites


2 cups + 1/2 cup rolled oats

1/2 tsp salt

1 egg

1/2 cup of unsalted beef/chicken broth

Instructions :

  • Preheat oven to 325 degrees.
  • Add 2 cups oats, salt, beef broth, (or chicken), and egg to a large mixing bowl. Combine well. Add remaining 1/2 cup of rolled oats and combine.
  • Pour onto wax paper and knead dough for about 3 minutes. Let stand for about 3 minutes to begin to become firmer. Press to 1/2-inch thickness.
  • Cut with cutter and place on a parchment-paper-lined baking sheet. (I rolled into small balls and then flattened them.)
  • Bake for 20 minutes. Remove from oven and allow to cool completely.

Prep Time – 10 Min | Cook Time – 20 Min | Total Time – 30 Min

Most of these items you probably already have sitting up in your cabinets!

I found the dough to be a little too sticky to cut with a cookie cutter, so I rolled a small amount into little balls and flattened them. I think they worked out a little better since Archie is still small and requires smaller bites.

If you’ve been wanting to teach your dog some tricks, these are bound to encourage him or her to learn! I had Archie sitting, shaking, and laying down at 8 weeks old! These are also great for potty-training any pup — or just a great all around treat for them!

I stored mine in a small container, and they lasted about 2 weeks. (This recipe makes way more than what is pictured here.)

Click here for a link to the original recipe on Pinterest.

Archie LOVES these, and I love knowing exactly what my little (soon-to-be-big) boy is eating!
