
3 Things to Keep Your Holidays Stress Free

November 05, 2018

The holidays are fast approaching, and with them comes all of the planning that goes into preparing dinners, making travel plans, and juggling your daily to-do’s! With the holiday season there is always a hustle and bustle that tags along with it, and sometimes, even the s-word: Yep, stress!

We can be easily overwhelmed with the number of engagements we have at church, at home, with family, at work . . . that we become a blur rushing here and there, but never really being completely present in any one place.

I have put together three things you can do to keep you refreshed and at peace all season long:

  1. Intentional gratitude. Make the holidays a time that you use to strengthen relationships. Give someone an encouraging word, smile, or a hug. Tell your loved ones that you appreciate them. Spend quality time with your parents, grandparents, and extended family. Use this special time to send out handwritten cards to loved ones that are far, or old friends that you have not spoken to in a while.
  2. Think less about yourself and more about others. The holidays are all about being thankful and grateful for all that you have been blessed with — not the time to be asking for more, more, more. Let’s be intentional about changing our mindsets from What else can I get? to Who can I help/bless? and What can I give?
  3. Disconnect from electronics. Turn off your phone, iPad, or laptop and just be present wherever it is that you are! Focus your entire attention on your family, friends, and loved ones that are spending the holidays with you. Make some memories that you will be able to look back on and remember fondly.

At the end of the day, rest in knowing that the ultimate goal is not to have the biggest turkey on your table, the best-decorated home, or the most expensive gifts under the tree. The most important thing is to make sure you share the love of Christ everywhere you go, make beautiful memories with your family and friends, and let your loved ones know just how special they are.

How will you be spending your holidays?

Comment below if you have any other ideas on keeping the stress away during the holidays that you would like to share; I’d love to hear them!
